
It Begins Now

 I am now here in Batangas City. My hometown. My city. That never sleeps. I have myself and my mother. She is 83 now. And I am turning 47 this year. Time flies so fast. Time the great healer and concealer. I am in my age where social media sometimes does not bother me. I am free to post or not to post. I can control some of my emotions now. I can let go of those emotions which I cannot control. I am learning a lot. Maybe this is just a beginning. Again. and again.  Bye and thank you. Till the next time.

New Normal

Today is June 28, a Sunday and I am stuck here in Cubao. I have been here for almost a month because of the pandemic Covid 19. I am at the office at least two days to do my job there. And the rest of the week, I am here at home working remotely. This is the new normal And this is my new beginning!

Going Up The Ladder

I am on my age where I can be anything. And thanks God I have achieved some of my dreams. I have gone far and I felt so good about it. And I think I am ready for another challenge. Going up the ladder! I hope I could do it!

New Beginning

Sometimes I want to be alone..then go offline.. In the beach..with no one.. and stay there as long as I want.. escaping reality? no. no. just want to see the sea!

New Heights

Sometimes the best time to get high is when you are low? What am writing right now? I don't know. What I know is that I have a job now and I am still learning a lot and I am so very happy about it. Back to my blogging world!

On A Lighter Note

Yes I am still on a very long vacation. I am still not on luck to have such needed job. Maybe God is really working to be able for me to see what is really important for me. Maybe. And now I am thinking on what really is important for me. I am thinking about saving so that in the future I will be secured. I am thinking of some basic life truths lately. And I know God has the best plan for me. All I have to do is wait and do my job also.

My Last Day in Dammam

These photo were taken on my very last day in Dammam last year maybe September 21 or 22. Again thank you Dammam for taking care of me for almost three years. Thanks for all the memories. For all the tears, the laughter, the memories that will always linger on my spirit. Till we meet again!