"Kaya Mo Ba?"
Living and actually working abroad is not easy. But we are here accepting the challenge and improving our lives. We are here because we have accepted the question "kaya mo ba" especially in the Middle East country where some of the luxury and comfort of our home in the Philippines are somehow missing. We have accepted the fact that living and working here is no big joke and we have to persevere and adjust to every possible situations around. One is the "water situation". Yes we are living in the desert, actually in the middle of a very big mass of land with almost you can see are sands. And sands and sand all over. No water. Thanks to technology of desalination that we have those bottled water in every store and many drops to our faucet. Ok that right side of the equation has been solved. But the more difficult part is when summer really heats up we have to really drink a lot of water and sweat it out because of humidity. Such a "saudi trademark" as ...