
I have missed posting to my multiply account. And I am into this blog now. I have devoted much time now here and I am quite happy about it. So what about me lately? I have this dream ( so shallow LOL!)  of owning such a wonderful and vintage vinyl record/turntable. I have seen one in one thrifty store in Batangas City ( an ukay ukay of some Japanese stuffs) and the price is very reasonable 3k. I have check via Unbox that a brand new one ( very contrasting to its name) costs about 6k. So I am in dilemma now what to choose. Well it really depends on my moods and budget. I think I should go with the new one.

And as usual I still maintain my hobby of writing/featuring some coffee shops in my other blogs. I cannot go away with ( why should I ) and though I am on a diet I cannot help but taste some delicious offering and calorie gainer coffee and cake. And thinking lately I guess I am reaching such stage as maturity ( as if there is such stage). I am beginning to accept things which I cannot accept before. I am beginning to see things on a different perspective. I can now maneuver and adjust to some challenges and just be contented with I have now. It is really amazing to know that I am getting older but not really afraid now of what the future holds. Maybe some chemical changes took place on my brain and fire some life-changing view about my life. Thanks God I am beginning to learn some wisdom. I am not saying that I have understand all but at least I am on the verge of becoming a man of contentment. I am seeing others too as not as bad as I am viewing them before. I now know and realized that they have the same problems with everyone on a different phase and circumstances. So I have just achieve to dance with them so to speak. And most of the time I really need them. So why hate them?  I will just go with the flow and defend myself if needed.

And lastly still a smile and a prayer really works. That's all for now and I am really not yet into migrating my blogs from multiply to transfer them here or maybe the last option is to not transfer at all.

Think and think on the next few days!


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