Only After That

Back to old-time classic. In this time of hacking and profiling in the online world we must learn to go back to basic communication. With the help of a good old typewriter.

And so with our life. Back to basics. Work. Family. Fun. Nothing more nothing less.

Try to be off-line once in awhile. Try to go on a hiking. Try a two-hour non-stop conversation and face to face with some friends. Enjoy the rain. Clear your mind.

And maybe after that you will find what you are looking for.
(photo from


  1. hi marls> didn't say goodbye na last fri. too emotional na to do goodbyes. girls in the admin made me cry a river. :(
    hope you'll flourish in whatever field you may choose to be in one day.and of course i wish you happiness.

    1. helow wow cant believe you are not here now..parang gusto ko na ding magresign huhuhu..anyways as ive said before thanks a lot and goodluck to all of us kung san man makarating..hope that soonest I can find my true calling and happiness hehehe..and as of the moment eh enjoy enjoy lang whatever happens..keep on writing on your blogs and thanks for reading mine..again we will miss you and thanks and see you when I see you hahaha!!

  2. "still getting the hang of it" :) reality will set in next month when "i get to be alone because everyone is damn busy and I am not" moment. :). reserving my blogs when boredom is here. for the meantime, "basa basa lang ng blogs mo pag may time".


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