Showing posts from February, 2014
I Go For Brands
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And now I have believed that brands really stand out of the crowd!! since I had this time and space limitation in this place I have began my photography journey at home..literally in our room..and I had shoot some things...branded things and they were camera friendly indeed!! That's the brand I am talking about!
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Yes finally I have shoot some first from my new Nikon D5100 several days was a fun exploration of the new toy. And I was still using my intuition..I really did not bother to learn as fast as I can about some in-depth lesson of photography using those technical words as aperture, shutterspeed ISO and others..I am just having fun playing and exploring what I really want in the photo that I am shooting.. I know I am still very far from my all-time favorite photographer mr Hong-An in his website and he is using some advance and very expensive cameras like the most beautiful and expensive Leica ( my long time dream camera!) But for now I will enjoy taking those photos and I have did..will post here later..
Shopping In Khobar!
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Last Friday we have gone to Khobar..just malling and breathing the same air with many Filipinos around..and finally I have bought my first DSLR..Nikon D5100..a very big thanks to my kababayan "LJLibra" - his name if I was not mistaken in Flickr - who guided me in buying that long-dreamed entry level camera..and I was so happy I have so many "good shots" to be uploaded sooner!
Pass Time
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Before lunch Bornok knocked on our door at 613. They were at 614. We were barely awake that time. He invited us to go on for a basketball in the next block where Adel and the others resided. But sorry we were not into playing hahahaha..(only watching ). A typical weekend for us here in Saudi Arabia. Busy doing something or nothing just to pass the time. And typically to relax and enjoy and rest so that a bunch of energy and hope will be restored for another weeks to come. And as we are talking about days and weeks, we have noticed that at this point in time, time itself is getting faster. Faster for that big day on the 11th month of stay that means we can avail of our yearly vacation. Home. Going home. Sometimes home is where your heart is. Always where your heart is. And now my heart is in Dammam. Though Valentine's day I still care. I will always care for someone thousands of miles from here. A reason to come back. A reason for this longest days and nights so that one day I c...
Our New Home
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(photos from Grover's facebook) And this is it! soon to open and be operational Qurayyah IPP - to be maintained and operated by Nomac (us hehehehe) - for about twenty years! the largest IPP project in the world! and we are part of it!! ( yabang hahahhaa!)..seriously nothing can replace Ilijan site to our heart but sometimes we have to move on..we have to explore new seas..same plant..same industry..better pay? of course! hahahaha!! Welcome to our new work-home for two years initially..and beyond!!
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It was nice to see some nice place here in Dammam. One mall caught my attention last Saturday; Al-Othaim Mall. It was magnificently designed as if it is a ship! And when I went inside it was so huge and very modern. And of course at the top floor there was this very big playground area just like a mini-Enchanted Kingdom! Loved to see families and children having some fun and that radiated to me too that I felt the happiness in the surrounding.
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Last night I went to my favorite hang-out here in Dammam..Jarir bookstore..I intended to search for a good smartphone or a DSLR..I have plan of purchasing maybe next month..then I came along these wonderful books at the second floor..I bought keep me keep my mind on the break the routine..and to fuel it? well thanks to Starbucks - just in front of the bookstore..inseparable..I have noticed that coffee-drinkers here or there or everywhere are just the same..books with with friends..or just passing time in this cozy place called Starbucks..and oh I forgot..Christian and Nitoy are requesting for those mugs..well I will buy them before I go home to the Philippines..not now..just showing them the label hahahaha!