The New Heights

What will you do if some times you run out of new things to do? When you have almost exhaustively create and watch and listen to all of it? Well in my case thanks to a very fast and so cheap internet connections here in Dammam. I have explored more of the net as we know it. And I want to share some of the new depth of communication that I have found this day.

First is the  videocast - I am reading some of my newsletter via email and I have always check on my favorite author Paulo Coelho and I have seen some of his videocast embedded in his blogs, so I checked it out and wow it was amazing..he used Youtube to just broadcast his ideas and opinions. And I think I can do that too..

So I have made my first webcast via youtube!! check this out!

Wow! blogging at its new level!!

Second is the podcasting - I am checking some Time magazine or maybe a HBR review and I have seen some podcasting sites and I've curious about it. It is something like listening to a radio that AM radio back in the days of my younger years..

I found some podcast sites lately..

Then I have found myself craving to have my own podcast..and I remembered my niece Tin that she used to record voice via and I have my account too ( I think I was the one that introduced her to the site)..and here it is...

And I am glad for all of these technology..I think these will keep me busy staying here in the land of the desert!


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