
 I have seen on Facebook this morning a familiar list about happiness which I am fond of answering for myself in the Friendster era..and these are some of my lists..

Happiness is....

eating with my nieces and nephews..and watching movies with them too..

drinking coffee..( cannot go a day without it)


travelling alone in a place which is not familiar..( anonymously roaming around)

just watching people go round and round  (in a mall or market)..wondering their life is..

singing in my mind..

posting blogs? should be hahahaha!

unplanned get-togethers..

calling someone and just tell them " busy ka ba? and you just hung up..and she will call you back..or text me as "adik!"

talking to my kuya with San Mig light up to 3 AM..

going home...


Saturday ( for my MBA) and Sunday for my "travel time"..

looking at my old photographs..

and the list go on and on..and on..


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