Happy Birthday To My Pamangkin Tintin

Tintin and Bambi ( Limuel)? or Dey ( Andrei)? I will ask later..

Tintin and Limuel..

 loved them so much!!

Tintin and Amben ( Arvin - Ate Edna's second child)

Tintin and Ate Arlyn when they still lived in our house..

Tintin with Ate Arlyn and Kuya Efren in Singapore when she was two years old..

Tin as toddler..the very first niece that I have taken care of..

Born as Christine Joy but to me she is Tin or "tinting matsing" but I never call her now as is. She was the one who coined my nickname to all of my niece and nephews as "Tito Ban". By default she was my first "niece" since she was with us up to two years old (in our house).

And now she is in college in UPLB. Time moves fast. Together with her two brothers, we became the formidable team. I even mistaken by others as their father hahahaha! ( am I old enough really?). Anyways as I have some conversation with them, I am easily forgetting the times that they have become toddler just like Mujay ( Monet's son). It is true since most of the time I am with them that my mind is block that all I remember is them as of the moment. The moment " na parang di ko silang nakitang lumaki" as I called it since I never have the absent time of being with them. A sort of "continuous experience" as I may tag it.

Anyways so much for the serious stuff. And I am looking for her handaan this day. How old is she? I don't know ( that's what I am talking about..I am not aware of everything about them since I am almost with them all the time).

And a few decades more I will not be surprised if one day their child will call me Tito Ban too. Oh I should get my own child too. Before they have one hahahaha!

Anyways, Happy Birthday again to my pamangkin Tin! The queen of all the pamangkin hehehe!


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