Not Anymore

And I have lost the file. I have written about two paragraphs of my post. And because of my fingers unknowingly it is gone. Damn it. So I am trying to compose it again. And so it goes.

I am writing about the two famous people I have seen lately. Famous in the sense that they have done some awkward oh by the way not really awkward but plain evil. How can you imagine the best of friends then is just so cold now? All in the name of flesh. Just plain sex. I am telling this because that's what I know not importantly the truth. They have battling each other two years ago and best of friend some two years before that. An enviable record that they both set for themselves. And even me and the others are affected somehow. 

You know them already. I will not tell names. I just want to write them in here since I am so angry back then because our names were dragged before into their mess. What a shame! I cannot imagine that I was with that room somehow defending myself of what I have not done. They have done something terrible and we all paid for it. 

And the funny thing about them is that they are pulling themselves down and keeps on catching each other's mysterious actions. I will never mention those "caught in the acts" since I was not there. But to tell them frankly that it is not our business to mingle with their personal lives but it is those lingering rumors that are true that resonates in the four corners of this place. 

And now I can freely write about them because I have lost my little respect for them. Respect in the sense that I will not drag them to the gutter but just expose what the whole world are known. Those bitter enemies who happen to be so proud of themselves. So proud of fucking the hell out of the others! How I wish they will be caught sooner to stop the menace. Well I do not wish that their karma will be stop since they have so many wrongdoings to us. As if they are so kind when you speak to them but they are doing otherwise in most of the times.

Yes you are right. They are the two bullshits I have ever seen here. 

Tom and Jerry alike!


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