De-Cluttering People

And I am back in online world! After a few days of hiding in the real world here I am now once again making waves in the so-called social media world of almost all of the people. And I have this intention of slowing it down. And by the way I have my three-day seminar last week about Conflict Management in Manila. But before that I have decided to make this FOCUS project. It is a project to bring my life back to reality. To de-clutter my thoughts. To get in touch once again to my senses. To make sense of it all again. And I am making progress really. I have tried to curb down my posting in facebook and some blogs of mine. Even in this blogspot. However I have to buried myself in some things really worth doing of my time. Reading. Cleaning of my room. Clearing out of my mind of what is really important. Right now. Right this very now! So far so good. I have good signs of improving my life by not really paying attention to those "cluttering" areas of my everyday life. Ju...