In Two Days ( Many Has Happened)

I have watched this afternoon the movie "The Conjuring" and as of now it is the most horrifying movie I have seen in years! One of the best films I have seen this year. The effects, the sounds, the storyline, everything just conspired to wake up our sense of fear. And dark imagination. Some students whom I have seated in row had screamed so hard that they almost break the chair. Do not watch it alone!

In two days so many things has changed. Has happened. On the good news I have lose two kilograms upon weighing last Monday! And my blood pressure is stabilizing and in five years I have a 130/80 reading. Wow! It called for a celebration. And ironically to celebrate it I ate pansit guisado at MGM ( with Sonny).

And the rain does not stop until this morning. The hard hit Manila is still submerged in water. Prayers and donations for them. And almost I am sleep all day until I go to SM this afternoon and watch The Conjuring. I have seen my cousin Carlo who has been in Canada for years. I have never seen him for more than ten years! Good to see and actually talk to some special person in our life. My cousin.

And as usual I've got this food escapade as I have eaten pansit yesterday at the famous Wanam Chinese Restaurant. It has been months since our last eat there. And to conclude the night I have tried that black bread tuna with cheese at Starbucks. Taste good but not the best. The usual. To end this night I have this heart-to-heart chat with my friend and sadly some bad news about our couple friend. Hope for their reconsideration in whatever decisions that they have taken. We are just here for advice and some shoulders to cry on.

And by the way Napoles has been captured. In that flooded area disguised as pig. Hilig kasi sa pork!


  1. funny the first pic. pero hindi sya funny sa totoong buhay. hmp


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