Strengths -Finder

Last night I had this coffee session with one of my best friend as usual took place in Starbucks. I had not seen him for awhile so we had so many stories to catch up with. We talked about our works, some plans and some ideas for personal growth. Oh he had this new Ipad mini and I wanted it too hahahaha!! Later that night I had made up my mind to read this HR book about really finding one's strengths so that one can fit to a job he really wanted. And I guess I fall into "input, intellectualism, communication , and also in context" strengths. And it made me strong to really decide on something that is bothering for quite some time now. It really helped reading it.

By the way this season is gift-giving time and I personally made it sure I give first to myself. And I had bought that perfume since it was on sale in SM yesterday.


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