First Time

Last Wednesday we had experience for the first time a real sandstorm in Saudi Arabia. Early that morning some of my fellows returned from the site to the office since the storm was getting harsh. And when I rushed to the door I could feel some powerful wind outside. So in our lunch we had to rushed to the nearby building where our canteen was located to avoid the harmful blowing of sand with a mass of heat all over.

I thought it was over that afternoon but worst it continued until almost evening and when we got home the city of Dammam was in semi-dark too because of the storm. That was it! The one Saudi experience we would like not to have. But it did and it will come again. Well that was part of the experience, isn't it?

(photos from Grover and Zander) - I just wonder if this storm is predicted just like a local storm in the Philippines so that people can have safety protective suits in case it will happen.


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