On To Our 3rd

This noon and I was still half-awake, Florante called on my cellphone and I was surprised and somehow a little bit afraid since my manager asked me if I will be free this Saturday we will continue SAP PR creation. Thanks God it was Flor. And he just asked if Zander and Noel were here since he was looking for them at the Dammam Palace Hotel. Yes Zander and Noel are here now in our company!

Yesterday I prepared my Nikon camera with its bag for another photoshoot that interested me. And that was so near in my room - just in another room hahahaha!! In Ayie and Grover's room. Thanks to Ayie for giving me those photography video. I think this camera which I have bought serves two purposes - to capture those things which appear to be beautiful to me and to pass the time here in Dammam.

Stress here is apparent nowadays though I believe my body is well-rested everyday but somehow the obvious reason that I am here which is very far from my comfort zone, makes me stressed out sometimes..so I bought a multivitamins and I hope it could give me such needed energy boost to my system.

I also bought another book - by Cecilia Ahern -which reminded me of Mam Evelyn- FF Cruz days.

Just last Thursday the group of Athan and Adel got their grade on their probationary period of three months - of course everyone passed - but there were people who cried out silently because of the grade and comment that they have received. And two weeks from now I will be graded too. I hope I could have get more. Please God help me.


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