
I have tried almost all blogging platform to self-publish my ideas. Name it. Blogspot/blogger, wordpress, tumblr, posterous, among others. Never forget my very first blogs are in Friendster, Myspace and Facebook. Last week even up to yesterday, I am fixing the themes and lay-out of some of my blogs in Tublr and Wordpress. However I find it "not so satisfying enough" to feel it as "professional look" as I want it to be. Even the premium ( paid) themes are not really that good in my opinion. Or maybe I need something else. I tried the latest offering of Quora ( a question and answer site that offers blogging capabilities now) but I am not that contented also. And then came along that changes everything. as far as I remember started last year and I signed up via my gmail account. And now I can open my site via twitter ( such integration? because the creator of was once worked in Twitter and Blogspot? I guess so). As f...