Not Your Usual Quezon Avenue

Yesterday I was in Manila to remit the annual contribution of my mother to an insurance company for public school teacher. The venue was familiar since when I was in elementary I used to go with my mother there. And it was just in the intersection of Banawe St and Quezon Avenue a few blocks short of the Mabuhay Rotunda commonly known as Welcome Rotunda before. It was easy to get there since I have worked before in Araneta Avenue which is just a few blocks also from where I was yesterday. The building, an old one, with so many people in their old age ( but not yet retirable) occupied the offices and you can see some clutters in the vicinty, a typical of a government agency. However I could observe the less-bureaucracy setting  now than before. I was amazed at how those in their 50's and 60's work withe ease updating to their computer system the data that their customers are giving them. And in a few minutes I was done doing everything and I could go back to Batangas. And I just walk some few meters and I have seen a familiar logo.

I have seen the logo of a familiar mami house; Mamon Luk. More than ten years ago I was able to eat at Mamonluk's Quezon Ave's branch because of Tatay Tan ( father of ate Glady, wife of my kuya). As usual I ordered special mami and delicious so yummy!! Chinese at its best ( at least for me heheeh). The original Mamon Luk I guess ( google help with this please..?) was located in Quiapo a few kilometers from this Avenue which I frequently visited if I have the chance to go to Quiapo Church.

And I have a dose of prayers in Sto. Domingo Church. I love this Church though I seldom visit. Just love the architectural design as well as the inside of this great venue for praise for us Catholics.

Quezon Avenue as the others know is all about Pegasus and other massage parlors that seemed to have life when night time comes. The whole stretch is somehow clogged with those flesh version of happiness as we know it. The new studio of Wowowillie ( TV 5 noontime show) is located also along the avenue. However if you will just be keen in your surrounding while walking along Quezon Ave you will noticed these structures as mentioned above that continue to survive despite the rapid commercialization of the place. The remnants of the past still thrives despite the urbanization of the place.


  1. my memories of the 90s. thanks for posting. surely brought me back to the good old times.

  2. I've visited your alma mater too..on my latest post..kapagod kakalakad wala naman akong makainan hehehe..


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