
I have tried almost all blogging platform to self-publish my ideas. Name it. Blogspot/blogger, wordpress, tumblr, posterous, among others. Never forget my very first blogs are in Friendster, Myspace and Facebook.

Last week even up to yesterday, I am fixing the themes and lay-out of some of my blogs in Tublr and Wordpress. However I find it "not so satisfying enough" to feel it as "professional look" as I want it to be. Even the premium ( paid) themes are not really that good in my opinion. Or maybe I need something else. I tried the latest offering of Quora ( a question and answer site that offers blogging capabilities now) but I am not that  contented also. And then came along that changes everything. as far as I remember started last year and I signed up via my gmail account. And now I can open my site via twitter ( such integration? because the creator of was once worked in Twitter and Blogspot? I guess so).

As far as my opinion is concern, this will be the next thing self-publishing is to crave about. Its main strength is the "community blogging" feature in which there are many "categories" that we can create and invite others to share their post there and I can also write in other community in which I can choose from various topics of my interest. How cool is that.

And another very good feature of this Medium is the design. It has a very good design when it comes to theme and lay out as well as the bigger font that makes it easier to read.

Unfortunately Medium is on beta version and I cannot post yet and all I have to do is read those "invited/try out writers that I envied. Please make us post now and do not make us wait that long. Please.. And these are some of the links of my favorite posts;


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