Two Women

I am one of those two women. Definitely I am the first. The legal. I married my husband almost ten years ago. We had a beautiful and envied relationship in our honeymoon stage which last for almost five years. And then the inevitable happened. We had our children. And those lovely offspring of ours added the seal of love for the two of us. We are perfect family.

And my husband Jonathan wanted to have a great family. With his small salary in the local supermarket, we had difficulty trying to meet both ends of our obligation to our family. And I started to work also as a teacher. And once again with our busy schedules we tend to bind our love with such caring exchange of communication through the advent of the high technology like the cellular phone and others. However the times of our life seemed to be going in the wrong direction. Nationally the economy was slowing down in the midst of a financial crisis. And it hit the country in times when we least expected it. We were financially bankrupt since some of our savings in the bank was eaten up by the dying effect of financial crisis that circling the world's economy. And our country was no exception.  A financial blow was hurting our marriage that much. And we survived.

To make our income much higher to combat the rising inflation, Jonathan decided to apply for abroad's job. Luckily he was admitted. In Saudi. He was working also in the supermarket. And with his much higher salary we had paid some of our debts. And my married life seemed to be a blissful moment once again. We had our skype conversation every weekends and we exchange sweet-nothings over facebook statuses. And finally I felt alive once again. Until one day.

I was browsing on the facebook the name of Jonathan and someone had popped out. He had another account. And his status was single. I hurriedly clicked on the photo albums and my naive and dumb husband was cheating on me all these months and blatantly show the world that he was doing such illicit affair. Maybe he underestimated my capacity to search such act on the online world of social media. Maybe he thought that I was a woman with full of trust that I will never doubt his infidelity. He was wrong. 

And by the power I inherited from my mother, I tended to look deeper. And by chances I had uncover the unfaithful relationships between Jonathan and Jonah ( a nurse based also in Saudi). Imagine in that closed country where the laws are considered to be the strictest and there they are doing the unthinkable. I cried for days and nights without my unfaithful husband and my family as well. I kept it onto myself all the bitterness and the pains that seemed to agonized me upon knowing the truth. And I took some actions. I called up my brother and seek help. He assisted me to be able to talk to the other woman and we had our conversations that seemed to be those in the films where the legal wife had to remain her composure despite that fact that I wanted to burst into fire and kill the other woman. Tolerance had its virtue. And I made the decision to keep the family intact. Our two children deserved a father. I forgave him. 

Fast forward now. We are now living happily ever after in our country. He promised me that his mistakes be the greatest lesson for his life and to our family. I believed in him. I trust in him. Hope it will last forever.

And my classmate in high school just messaged me on facebook that she needed some help. Her husband in Kuwait now has other family. And I just sigh that indeed we are just living in the same situation. Only that I am on the way out and she is just on the beginning.

We the two women.Struggling for the sake of our family. For love maybe.


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