
No to Tuition Fee Increas - No to TFI ! - that was the banner that I have grew up with in college since we were member of the progressive movement called the CEGP ( College Editors Guild of the Philippines). That was decades ago when my tuition fee amounted only to Php 5,000 and most of the time I was scholar so I have to pay about half or nothing at all. Imagine that. And imagine now.

An elementary tuition fee in a private school is on the average 30-40 thousand per year. In high school the value is somehow much higher which range from 40-60 thousand. And if you are rich enough you can send your children to some international school with yearly pay of 100 thousand and up. Just imagine the cost of education here. It will be justified if our income is at par with the inflation and the tuition fee increase but God knows most of the Filipinos have minimum wage or luckily above the minimum.

No wonder there are some students commit suicide because they cannot understand the burden of the increasing cost of education in our country. The very last chance of uplifting oneself out of poverty is getting dimmer and eventually will die out alongside with our dreams.


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