
I am grateful indeed to circumstances that I am still alive and doing "fine" despite of in this situation now. I have gotten a long way since my very first days and months and years into where I am now. I have always thank God for giving me the opportunity not only to have meaningful experiences but to mingle and learned with some of the best and worst people I have encountered so far.

Insofar as my professional life is concerned I can easily say I have gotten this far without turning back and no hesitation and I could say that maybe it is time to go on different directions. I have done many things not only for others but also for me that enriched my decision skills. Maybe luck is hiding somewhere else not to be found in the four corners and vast areas of this complex.

Nonetheless I could narrate some of the observations I have seen and have knowledge about staying for more than five years of my life in here. I have seen people who are to be neglected not only they are unwanted but they are not conforming on my values and standards. At first I was being amazed how those individuals make it in here. They are not such superb beings. They are the so-called average in layman's standard and term. And so the predicament arises. With no values and knowledge within themselves, some stumble and turn into attacking others. And most are victims of those predators. I couldn't name them because it will be not justified on my part to mention those unholy persons.

And  the coin basically has two sides. The other side was simple and fair enough for everyone. I have seen individuals who really has strive and make it to the ladder. I could mention indirectly some of them. I could inherit the leadership of this wonderful being that turned some obstacles into her side. And look at her now. A decorated woman and successful accolade to her name.

Another one which should be included in here is this man. I even make him as my "mentor". He does his occupation with such grace and honor that he had set examples for others. Maybe his greatness multiplied since some of the people other him borrowed the cleanliness and honorable work as much as possible.

I am not making statements of pure gossips and no basis accusations in here but with solid years of observation I could easily defend my prepositions mentioned above. It will be so harsh and mean of me to mention those persons whom I considered as good before then turned out to be the "necessary evil" I have known today. But well thanks to them anyways that I could now decipher demons from angels.

I hope I could feature another one like this in the future. I should have the bravery to include a much deeper analysis but for now this is what I can offer. Thanks for reading this.


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