Noodles You Like It Or Not

Some foods are not meant only for the stomach but for the soul. Some foods do not only save us from starvation but live with us along with the memories it has bring to us in the past. Pansit is one of them. Not only your ordinary pansit but this one; from MGM pansit guisado. The trademark noodles have this big strand per piece that separate them from the rest. The taste alongside with spicy and mixed ingredients of calamansi and soy sauce make it the best seasoning for this highly respectable menu of Batangueno. If you are a true-blooded Kabatang you will not hesitate to say that indeed this pansit run in your system.

I always make it sure that once in while I eat at MGM and taste this wonderful food creation. It brings back the memory of some friends and era that has been forgotten and abandoned. During my high school days, my brother introduced me to this pansitan. And when my friend and colleague Sherwin was still here working, we make it sure that we have that pansit almost weekly together with some of our office-mates. But now he is no longer working here and some of our friends before turned out to be not a real one so I just make it sure I relive the memories even if I ate alone. Sometimes with some of my co-vehicle service we eat this pansit and have a good time.


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