Food Porn

I have seen the term "food porn" in other blogs and in some article here on the internet. I don't want to google it yet but just for to common sense it is about food. I have a coffee blog in wordpress and I will feature these photos there too. The venue of this dining pleasure is Cups & Jiggers located in the newly opened Zenaida Arcade just near the Basilica Church. A couple of weeks ago my friend and school batchmate Golem had told me that he is no longer connected with Euphoria. And he is in this new place. So last night together with my nephew Limuel we went there and to my surprise it was quite good. The place is perfect for coffee and some pasta. It is also a bar in one as the banner said "where aroma and spirit collide" since you can order wines and other alcoholic beverages at the restaurant.  We had ordered pasta and iced coffee and club house sandwhich. We were so full last night.

And this is food porn. I hope I had used right.


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