Are You In My Directory?

I am puzzled last year when I have seen the directory in the hotel where I have stayed for the seminar. I thought paper directory has been gone a long time ago. Not yet to my surprise! Still the yellow pages lingers on. Classic paper versus online/mobile/e-book reading as we know it. And I think paper version is here to stay for the longer time. 

In other aspect of my life I have tried to save some of the close friends and acquaintances to my phonebook. Sometimes I have written their names and telephone numbers and address in the journal-like organizer. And yesterday I have called one of my co-worker back in our FF Cruz days in Batangas Port. My friend and former office mate Deo is now working in the FF Cruz construction project in North Harbor Manila. He is in-charge of the inventory and warehouse management of the on-going expansion and modernization of the said Harbor.

It was last year that I tried to call him via my sun cell ( thanks to sun indeed! that unlicall is heaven!) and every once in awhile I am calling my dear friend and talk about much of our work nowadays as well as the cherished memories that we have in the Batangas Port Phase II Project. We exchanged ideas and tactics on how to resolve some inventory and logistics problems. We also get ourselves laughing out loud even in the phone when we remember some of the memorable days back in the Port project before. 

I also once in awhile get the chance to talk to my dear friend from our joint venture company Shimizu - QC engineer- Ma'am Gerlie Mendoza which I have called her Ma'am Gelay. She was so kind to me and we always have this "kumustahan moments" almost everyday since I have to go through her first before the approval of the request that I am processing in the port project. 

Of course I have some bonding communication with my fellow The Lycean writers like Dolf, Tina and Mercy and Paulyn. Though Elliet is in the US and Aque also, we still have "kumustahan" via facebook. We almost have get-together every year with Dolf, Tina and Mercy in a simple gatherings and dining in and staying late at Starbucks. 

In my MBA world, some of my friends and classmates have been graduated ahead of me ( I have graduated too last November!), we have this get-together usually in a restaurant or in an outing setting like in a beach last year here in Ilijan. Love to chat and have meaningful conversations with Myra, Myles ( actually 2 Myles since I have two different classmates with the same name), Alona, May, Marisse, Manolo, Wilson and others. 

So who else on my directory? if you are not mentioned here at but at least I have communicated with you via facebook, twitter and even in mail, yes in mail I still use the good old email, well we are still in good company so to speak.

And unluckily I really have to ignore and never mind those persons who really do no conform to what I am believing in and values that I am doing right now. In short I have also those "directory" of friends whom I wish I never met in the first place before. God forgive me but I have to do what is right and what is just for me or else I will be the victim of their selfish and not-so-human habits of bringing down others.

Should I include the list here? I guess a couple will do some justice since I have mentioned some names in my good directory. On the second thought I will withdraw my thoughts. I have promised before to be as professional and to be as responsible self-journalist from then on. 

And I ended this one. With a happy note; Never regret meeting those kind of friends since you will know the real friends eventually.


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