Do You Feel Useful?

After a tiring yet so happy "gala mode" yesterday, I found myself almost lying on the bed at this lunch hour! I needed this Sunday. I wanted this scene of not doing at all but to sleep all day long until my body ached for some waking up actions. And now I am typing here on my blogs. Is it worth it? Yes. This is useful endeavor which I am doing for almost a decade now.

And I have slept for about hours before continuing this entry. I was not in the mood now to go out as if my soul and body has been drained yesterday.

So back again to the question " do you feel useful?" to reconnect my brains and neuron to the world. Yes I feel I am very much useful to myself and to this world. I have work or job that makes me useful to the companies I have been into for the past decade. I have been useful to my family that I was able to provide some financial assistance to them. I feel I am very useful to others since I have imparted them some of my knowledge when I was in my postgraduate school. I feel very useful to others since I have given to them my precious times just to be with them or give advice to some close friends when necessary. I feel very useful to myself since I was able to enjoy LIFE. I am enjoying life even if I am still single. And I will be very useful too when time get on my way and I will be having a family of my own. A useful daddy and husband. Though it is very awkward to use the term "useful" in that sense.

And to share this topic this is the link and the whole blog entry by Paulo Coelho about this article.

Do you feel useful?


Ask a flower in the field: ‘Do you feel useful? After all, you do nothing but produce the same flowers over and over?’
And the flower will answer: ‘I am beautiful, and beauty is my reason for living.’
Ask the river: ‘Do you feel useful, given that all you do is to keep flowing in the same direction?’
And the river will answer: ‘I’m not trying to be useful, I’m trying to be a river.’
Nothing in this world is useless in the eyes of God. Not a leaf from a tree falls, not a hair from your head, not even an insect dies because it was of no use. Everything has a reason to exist.
Even you, the person asking the question. ‘I’m useless’ is the answer you give yourself.
Soon that answer will poison you and you will die while still alive, even though you still walk, eat, sleep and try to have a little fun whenever possible.
Don’t try to be useful. Try to be yourself: that is enough, and that makes all the difference.


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