Show Me The Picture And I Will Tell What I Have Remembered

They have said that a single picture could tell a thousand stories. Thousands of stories and one single story is real and true. So show me the photo and I will tell you what I have remembered. If not the truth at least close to it. At this very moment.

Wednesday. Thanks to the president that Malacanang had granted a holiday fiesta day for Batangas City. Never mind political differences. The first photo is the famous Calumpang River. The bridge is the one connecting Pallocan famously SM from the downtown. I have walked that Wednesday morning just to see the annual parade. I want to be child again. Another story. Every year when we are children a not so long ago, we always wanted and actually go to the city to witness the parade and other festivities the fiesta was bringing that time. We also had the time to go to our cousins in the city to eat what they have prepared. In short, it is always marked on our calendar and mind that comes January 16 we will always be on the street of Batangas City. Back then at the plaza I used to rent "Game and Watch". But now you can rent also but a PSP and Game Boy. Technology has stretched its mighty arm but still our wants and desires did not stop from being a child. That photo also reminds me of the murder that took the city by the storm a few years back. I think it was fiesta or foundation day. The murdered child was from a rich and famous clan, Pastor. The boy was killed and dumped at that very place of the photo. Maybe he roamed around that time when I took the picture. God bless him and may his soul should be in heaven now.

After the colorful parade I had attended the mass led by His Eminence Cardinal Rosales. I loved this cardinal that much that I really make it sure I am on the very near of the center aisle to have a clearer glimpse of the tall cardinal. I think he is on his golden 80's  but his intelligence and charisma never fades. He is so good in delivering the homily in that mass. He is so authoritative that I think of him as the highest leader of the Catholic Church in our country. He should be a Pope. I remembered him as a visiting priest in our native Barangay Ilijan especially in September 29 we have celebrated the birthday of the patron saint, Saint Michael. I remembered him as he led the mass near the shore of Ilijan. As some older folks here have said, Cardinal Rosales was a priest here in the 70's or 80's maybe.

I know that photo is such an easy medium of today's world. It is widely used to convey information. And with the advancement of technology, everyone seems to have a camera now. But only those few chosen can really capture the true feeling of the moment. Like me? Check my photos hahaha!

So tell me or show me the picture and  I will tell you what I have remembered. Much better if I am the one who took it. Just like those photos above. I am the one who have passed that bridge. I am the one who took the photo of the Cardinal. I also got the chance to hold his hand and make the Filipino tradition of "pagmamano" as a sign of high respect.


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