Inay In The US

I really appreciate the phone unit my Kuya Arc had given to us a few years back. With just an internet connection we can call any land-line phone in the US for free. And during the first few years Inay and Ate Michele used to call as often as they wanted to be. And it really reconnect our world to my sister's place on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. It is a wonderful thing and amazing technology that made our life much easier and richer and more connected than ever. We tried sometimes the videoconferencing or video chat via facebook but Ate Michele does not have the privilege of time to engage in facebooking all the time. So we really rely on the good old phone with high tech connectivity.

As of now my mother is on her two-month-long stay in the States. Happy to say that she begins to adjust and enjoy the setting and lifestyle in the land of American Dreams. She no longer talk about some kind of homesickness syndrome but rather talk about the activities that she have in her stay in my sister's home. She no longer worry that much about here in the Philippines as I always assure her that we are and will be doing fine in here. She is adjusting also to the different climate in the California'n state. Though there are no snow in their place but the winter really takes some cold temperature and my mother is not used to it. So she wears mostly those thick clothing whenever they will go for a grocery buying or visiting some friends and relatives near their area.

Thanks also to other persons whether it be our cousins or friends of Inay who are also in the States. In the long day of just staying at home, Inay has plenty of time via phone to speak to Ma'am Josie, her co-teacher, Tita Sol, Tita Sonia, Tyo Timoy, among others that made her feel at home in a distant land of Uncle Sam. They also have time to visit some of our cousins there. And last January 1 on new year celebration they went to Pasadena, a nearby town, to witness the Rose Parade. In the photos as uploaded by Ate Michele on facebook I can see Inay's face with such enthusiasm despite her age and really being amazed by the parade as they visit the place.

And almost everyday I tried to call Inay. Her voice makes me realized that mother's knows best even she is in the far, far away place. Any mothers really are willing to sacrifice for her children's welfare. I miss Inay but I know she is doing fine there.


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